Concerns Arise as China Explores Lethal Virus, Experts Urge Halt to Dangerous Experiments

Chinese scientists experiment with the lethal GX_P2V virus, revealing a 100% mortality rate in mice, echoing concerns about human spillover. The study, on bioRxiv, highlights alarming findings and potential risks.

Concerns Arise as China Explores Lethal Virus, Experts Urge Halt to Dangerous Experiments

Chinese scientists are conducting experiments with a lethal virus known as GX_P2V, exhibiting a 100% mortality rate in mice. The study, published on bioRxiv, raises concerns about potential spillover risks into humans.

Study Details and Disturbing Results

The GX_P2V virus, similar to SARS-CoV-2, was discovered in pangolins in 2017. Mice, genetically engineered to mimic human composition, experienced rapid weight loss, lethargy, and white eyes within five days of infection, leading to death in eight days.

2. Unprecedented Mortality Rate: Implications for Human Health

Chinese researchers express surprise at the swift deaths, emphasizing the study’s importance in understanding SARS-CoV-2-related viruses. Post-mortem analysis revealed widespread infection in the lungs, bones, eyes, tracheas, and brains of the mice.

Unique Model for Pathogenic Mechanisms

The severe brain infection leading to a 100% mortality rate in mice provides a unique model for studying the pathogenic mechanisms of related viruses. However, the study leaves uncertainties about the potential impact on humans.

3. Concerns Raised by Experts: Scientific Critique

As the study circulates online, experts voice concerns about its scientific merit. Francois Balloux from University College London criticizes the research as “terrible” and “scientifically totally pointless,” questioning the practical insights gained from infecting mice with a random virus.

Urgent Plea to Halt Experimentation

Dr. Gennadi Glinsky, a retired professor from Stanford, calls the experiment “madness” and urges its immediate cessation. The potential risks and lack of clear benefits raise ethical concerns, prompting experts to call for a halt to the experimentation.

4. Study’s Independence and Lab Leak Theories

Notably, the 2024 study appears unrelated to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, dispelling lab leak theories associated with the pandemic. Despite the absence of ties to Wuhan, the study’s findings raise broader questions about the necessity and ethical implications of such experiments.

The Chinese study on the GX_P2V virus prompts a critical examination of the risks and benefits associated with experimenting on lethal viruses. While providing insights into potential spillover risks and pathogenic mechanisms, the ethical concerns and scientific critique underscore the need for responsible and transparent research practices.